
Category: News

AS ISO 41001 Facility Management Systems

The Genesis of a New Era

To coincide with ISO World Standards Day on 13 October, watch this video on why you need to get onboard with the ISO 41000 series of Facility Management standards. Watch interviews with Stan Mitchell and Duncan Waddell, past-chairman and chairman respectively of the ISO Technical Committee on Facility Management as they explain the importance of…
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When Total FM is just that

Total Facility Management brings together international best practices in Facility Management for local application. The 5th edition includes a greater focus on applicable ISO standards in facility management (ISO 4100 series and more). No other book offers an A-Z of the subject for a wide readership that needs answers now on how to manage today’s…
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FM on the strategic level

Delays are commonplace, but not for the latest international standard, ISO 41014, which was published on time. ISO 41014 Development of a Facility Management Strategy is the detailed treatment of FM strategy which was identified as a key component of any Facility Management System in ISO 41001 published in 2018. The new standard fills a…
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ISO 41014 is on its way

The International Standards Organisation (ISO) has approved the draft international standard, ISO 41014 Development of a facility management strategy. The final version for publication will be prepared by the Technical Committee (TC 267) in the coming weeks for formal sign-off at the beginning of June. This new standard will fill a longstanding gap in the…
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Coronavirus: are FM policies good enough?

The presence and spread of any pathogen within a facility is bound to be a deep concern for the facility’s users and facility manager. In healthcare, patients continually face the threat of cross-infection from pathogens such as MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus ) – a bacterium that has been termed a superbug because of its virulence and resistance…
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Making sense of requirements in standards

Most standards are basically of two types – those that specify requirements and those that provide recommendations and guidance. AS ISO 41001 Facility Management Systems* is of the first type, but with guidance to support the requirements. Those requirements are mandatory, but the guidance is not and is there to explain and elaborate on what…
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Fast-track your organisation’s development

FMS Audit Australia offers a one-stop, competitively priced service that helps you establish, maintain, update and improve a Facility Management System (FMS) to help run your organisation. All the materials that you need are provided online. The most important part is an FMS Manual which is, in effect, a handbook that shows you what you…
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New FM international standard

The time is fast approaching when the International Standards Organisation (ISO) will publish its next facility management standard. ISO 41014 describes how a strategy for facility management can be developed to provide direction and support for the core business of organisations large and small. Designed for facility management organisations (FMOs) on either the client (i.e.…
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