The publication of the international standard AS ISO 41001:2019 Facility Management – Management Systems, has helped to elevate the FM industry to the highest level in management terms. AS ISO 41001 is a recent addition to ISO’s management system standards (MSS) and sits alongside AS/NZS ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems, AS/NZS ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems, ISO 50001 Energy Management Systems and other management systems standards covering occupational health and safety, security, human resources, medical science and IT.
FMS Audit provides the platform for all facility management organisations, whether in the public or private sector, in-house or external, to demonstrate conformity with AS ISO 41001 and make a self-declaration to this effect. FMS Audit provides the means for an FM organisation to establish, implement, maintain and improve its day-to-day practices through a Facility Management System which, subject to satisfactory Internal Audit and Management Review, results in the issue of a Confirmation of Conformance with AS ISO 41001:2019.